
Learning About My Prophet (p.b.u.h)

Event Of The Elephants And Divine Muhammed pbuh

Birth Of Divine Muhammad (pbuh)

The Most Beautiful Child - How our Prophet pbuh is given to a wet nurse

Events that happened during our Prophet Muhammad’s childhood

The Prophet To Be - Abdul Muttalib’s journey to Yemen

Thrustworthy Muhammad (pbuh) - Priest Buhayra and Priest Nastura recognizes the Prophet hood

Thrustworthy Muhammad (pbuh) - Marriage with Khadija and An event with the judge

The Rising Voice From Mount Hira - First revelation and the first Muslims

The Rising Voice From Mount Hira - The first announcement of the prophet hood

The Hijra - A trip to Taif, tortures, migration to Medina Hijra

The Hijra - Arrival to Medina and our Prophet’s visit to Abu Ayyub

The Brave Men Of Badr - The battle of Badr

The Brave Men Of Badr - The miraculous dinner, declaration of freindship, Adhan

The Way To Heaven - Battle of Uhud, the complaint of a camel, Naseba

The Way To Heaven - Hamza dying for Islam, Talha the hero, the orphan boy

The Power Of Faith - Preparation of the Trench

The Power Of Faith - The battle of Trench, Umre, The Treaty of Hudaybeya

The Knocking Down Of The Effigies - The siege of Mecca

The Knocking Down Of The Effigies- The Pilgrimage to Mecca Hajj and The Farewell Khutba


Learning About My Prophet (p.b.u.h)
Learning About My Prophet Writer : Salih SURUÇ
Technical Production : GOLDSOFT SOFTWARE TEAM

Event Of The Elephants And Divine Muhammed pbuh
In this video, the event of the elephants before the birth of our Prophet is mentioned. It was a hot Monday in the year 571. The Governor of Yemen, Abraha, made progress towards Mecca with his army. He was very angry and had sworn to demolish the Kabaa. (The Kabaa was a shrine that people worshipped in that was then later turned into a mosque)

Birth Of Divine Muhammad (pbuh)
In this video, the birth of our Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and how the most intelligent and wise Jewish people learnt about the birth of our Prophet is is mentioned.

The Most Beautiful Child - How our Prophet pbuh is given to a wet nurse
In this video, how our Prophet is given to a wet nurse, events that happened during his childhood (breast feeding, how the donkey gained speed, sheep giving milk, rain prayer) is is mentioned. The people of Mecca had an age-long custom in their culture. New born babies weren’t breastfed by their own mothers. The babies were given to wet nurses who lived in the pastures. Mecca’s weather was usually very hot and humid. These conditions didn’t really benefit the vulnerable bodies of the babies. However, the weather in the pastures was nice; the water was sweet and clean. It was possible for the children to learn how to speak properly too; because those people who lived in the pastures, spoke more correctly.

Events that happened during our Prophet Muhammad’s childhood
In this video, the days he spent with his wet nurse is is mentioned.

The Prophet To Be - Abdul Muttalib’s journey to Yemen
In this video, Abdul-Muttalib’s journey to Yemen, Abdul-Muttalib’s death and the days our Prophet spent with his uncle is is mentioned.

Thrustworthy Muhammad (pbuh) - Priest Buhayra and Priest Nastura recognizes the Prophet hood
In this video, a journey with a trade caravan, meeting with Priest Buhayra, the second journey with the caravan, Priest Nastura recognizes the signs of the Prophet hood is is mentioned.

Thrustworthy Muhammad (pbuh) - Marriage with Khadija and An event with the judge
In this video, a journey with a trade caravan, his marriage with Khadija, and an event with the judge is is mentioned.

The Rising Voice From Mount Hira - First revelation and the first Muslims
In this video, the first revelation, the first Muslims is mentioned.

The Rising Voice From Mount Hira - The first announcement of the prophet hood
In this video, the first announcement of the prophet hood, the hole of fire, Rukane’s insistence on denial and his uncle’s request is is mentioned.

The Hijra - A trip to Taif, tortures, migration to Medina Hijra
In this video, our Prophet’s search for the right of a man, a trip to Taif, tortures, migration to Medina (Hijra) is mentioned.

The Hijra - Arrival to Medina and our Prophet’s visit to Abu Ayyub
In this video, arrival to Medina, and our Prophet’s visit to Abu Ayyub is mentioned.

The Brave Men Of Badr - The battle of Badr
In this video, the battle of Badr is mentioned.

The Brave Men Of Badr - The miraculous dinner, declaration of freindship, Adhan
In this video, the miraculous dinner, declaration of freindship, the crying trunk, invitation to prayer Adhan is mentioned.

The Way To Heaven - Battle of Uhud, the complaint of a camel, Naseba
In this video, the Battle of Uhud, the complaint of a camel, our Prophet’s mercy to a sheep, Naseba is mentioned.

The Way To Heaven - Hamza dying for Islam, Talha the hero, the orphan boy
In this video, Hamza dying for Islam, Talha the hero, the orphan boy and our Prophet’s prayer is mentioned.

The Power Of Faith - Preparation of the Trench
In this video, the enemy of religion called Ubhay, preparation of the Trench, Caber’s feast is mentioned.

The Power Of Faith - The battle of Trench, Umre, The Treaty of Hudaybeya
In this video, the battle of Trench, Ali vs. Amr, the journey to Umre, the Treaty of Hudaybeya, and the sahabis taking refuge in our Prophet is mentioned.

The Knocking Down Of The Effigies - The siege of Mecca
In this video, the invitation of the Abyssinian King to Islam, the siege of Mecca, the knocking down of the Effigies (sculptures that represent a person or spirit) is mentioned.

The Knocking Down Of The Effigies- The Pilgrimage to Mecca Hajj and The Farewell Khutba
In this video, the Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) and the Farewell Khutba is mentioned.


Learning About My Prophet (p.b.u.h)

Event Of The Elephants And Divine Muhammed pbuh

Birth Of Divine Muhammad (pbuh)

The Most Beautiful Child - How our Prophet pbuh is given to a wet nurse