Hayalhanem Presents Translated by: Nizzy All good? What about video quality? Efe, pipe down! Hold your horses! He must have genes of a horse, I swear. OK. Here we go. We are gonna talk about dreams today. You ready? Kidding us around, doing that gesture so that we think it goes mute? Consider the state when you are asleep, in a dream now. While dreaming, I mean when you are in the allegoric realm, You are a kid, then you grow up and you can be in different places at the same time. Maybe you spend years in your dream… But as soon as you wake up into this world… …you have just spent 2 minutes at most in this visible world. If the stunning reality that you feel in that allegoric realm of dreams fades away completely… who could ever guarantee the same drill applies to this world you sense with your senses? Mind-boggled? All right. I’ll start over. You know, each and every incident you feel all realistic in your sleep… disappears when you wake up and… … turns out to be just a dream, Likewise, when you are awakened by death from this world you live for 60 years or so, …you will feel the same way, down to your veins. Need some proof? Prophet Mohammad pbuh says: People are asleep. They wake up when they die. Follow Hayalhanem on Youtube, …on Facebook. …on Twitter. …and on Instagram.