This is how the story got started… China with a population of 1.4 billion Tortured our Uyghur friends in ways that are not even imaginable They force-married Uyghur Turkic women with Chinese men After seeing these events unfold… This is a country with a population of 1.4 billion, a huge economy and a tremendous growth, who’s going to stop them? How will this torture be stopped? Then I remembered… Allah, the one who stopped the pharaoh with an ant, the one who stopped King Antiochus with a fly, can sometimes shake the whole world with a small little microbe China can not export any products at the moment Most of the household products that we use today are produced in China All of their airports are shut down, all of their economy has to come halt, even Daud Kim who visited us last week, can’t go back to Korea because the borders are shut All of this was caused by a tiny little microbe named Coronavirus It’s suggested that there are many unreported cases and deaths worldwide And people who are exploiting these times are making money by selling at crazy high prices Let’s look at the things that have happened in 2020 thus far… Earthquakes in Elazig and Malatya cities resulting in deaths of 43 people… Avalanche in Van city resulting in 41 deaths 8 soldiers were martyred in Idlib/Syria An airplane crashed in a small airport in Istanbul resulting in 3 deaths and 180 casualties 34 soldiers were martyred in Idlib/Syria In Australian wildfires, 34 people died and 1 billion 250 million animals were killed In the same time, 5000 camels were killed in Australia There were 100,000 cases of the Coronavirus pandemic. In surah Al-Anfal it says… -“When fitnah comes upon you, it won’t only damage the tyrants among you!” When we further examine these catastrophies… The fact that these crazy events took place in under 3 months… Should wake us all up because they’re so meaningful. For example: You’re sitting at home one day and the door knocks… They’re knocking on the door loudly… You just keep living your normal life as if nothing happened But the knocking continues even faster You’re still sitting at home wondering where to noise is coming from.. The door is knocking even faster… Aren’t these noises trying to tell you something? When you hear this noise, you’ve to get up and answer the door! What if that earthquake is also trying to tell you something? If we just look at this from a theoretical, mathemetical viewpoint… -“The door knocked 3 times last minute… 2 more times 10 seconds ago -“The door was knocked 5 times with heavy hits” We’d respond by saying: “What’s wrong with you? There’s a purpose behind that knocking, get up and answer the door!” Don’t we do the same in an Earthquake… -“There was a 5.8 magnitude earthquake” We do the same in a virus… -“Thousands of people have been infected by a virus” We do the same in avalanches and other catastrophies -“There was an avalanche burying X number of people” -Is it possible that the one who caused the earthquake and the avalanche is trying to tell you something meaningful? -Yes, it’s possible -“I’m not happy with the direction of mankind, their sole purpose of creation is for them to recognize me but they’re so lazy in trying to understand my existence” In my personal opinion, this message is not only for the non-believers but also… These happen as a result of believers like us are acting lazy and complacent in creating projects to reach mankind And if you ask me, the fact that believers are behaving like the non-believers is going to attract more of these catastrophes in the future God’s wreckage is taking place and it’s saying: -“I’ve sent upon you earthquakes, avalanches, catastrophes and I knocked on the door Open the door… Why has the one with so much power and will has come all the way to your door? What message has it given you? What does it want from you? It wants you to finally understand it! 2nd of all… When you’re looking at the situations from the perspective of God, there’s a clear message Now let’s examine everything from the perspective of mankind What is my responsibility then? Submission to God… Appointing God as your sole attorney against all of the trials you’ve been put upto Let’s brake down submission to God 1st part, humans usually… Will not try/work their hardest… Will not take the necessary precautions… And will leave everything upto God This is a form of submission that God does not want For ex., if this virus is on our doorstep, Without taking such simple precautions such as washing hands properly and keeping contacts with other to a minimum.. Saying -“Wallahi I trust in God” Is not the submission to God that God is looking for! Let’s go to the 2nd part Humans will do everything they can but won’t leave the result to God This is not the form of submission that God wants A small microbe that my eyes can’t even see What can I do? I can wash my hands, be careful in public… I can try not to panic, try not to turn my life into a prison If after all of these steps, you’re still a little worried and you cry… -“God, what am I going to do? What will happen to me?” These cries are not how to submit to God either. God is not seeking this sort of a reaction This 2nd alternative can be understood easily by this example: You know how you study so much before a college final and stress immensely without having a true trust in God. That’s our 2nd example of submission and God does not want that The 3rd example: People will do the most they can with their abilities, take all the precautionary steps and leave the results to God They’ll say: -“Best thing that can happen to me is the final destination that you determined” This is how we should act After taking all of the precautionary steps that are necessary… We have to leave the rest to God and trust him Undoubtedly, this is the reality! Death that people are trying to run away from is the reality! We’re not running away because we’re scared of death… We’re scared of death because we’re running away from it Can you run away from God’s fate!?