A Friday Salah (Prayer) Sir, you are the winner of “First Friday Prayer Run of April 2015” with 12.6 seconds, how do you feel about that? Well… i feel very happy right now, it’s an absolute indescribable happieness. What do you owe your success? First of all, I’ve never done my salah’s five times a day. Besides I also didn’t pray the Sunnah’s of Jum’ah. I didn’t even prayed after Jum’ah and ran out like flash. Hereby I improved my degrees. Come on bro we’re late for work. Okay bro just five minutes. Can I get your signature please? Sure. Why don’t you pray the Sunnah? I don’t know either.. Some voice inside me telling me not to. Could be that “voice” the devil? Another hodja.. I have work to do! Some people today, as in example, they act like only the Friday salats are farz. They suppose that their task is over by praying the Friday salah. However, we have 5 prayers to do everyday. While not doing that, they even get their salah’s in hurry like olympic runners, like they want to run away from there as fast as they can. This situation may look common from the outside but it actually uncover the weakness in our faith. Also brother, please don’t say: “Five prays a day? We almost can’t even pray the Friday salah because of work. Also, working is an ibadah too.” Don’t! Brother, working is an ibadah too, right, but, only between two salah, all of your mubah(religiously neutral) acts are ibadah. Just imagine, when you say; ‘’My Rabb, I’ve spent my whole life to worship to you.’’ But, the devil is always trying to take us away from our salah’s with kinds of excuses, even one of them; ‘’It’s okay man. You can start salah when you get old” Brother, lets go pray. What pray man? Nevermind! You’re too young for this, you can pray when you get old. Also Friday is soon. You’ll pray next Friday anyway, forget it, enjoy your life… – Bro, don’t you see? The time have changed, this age is different. Everyone’s fallen into the World. We can pray when we get old, it’s to soon to pray for us. Brother, we should start praying. What prayer at this age man? Look at them, can you see praying someone in your age? Be like everyone and pray when you get old! See you! Bro look at them, they’re all old. We can pray when we get old like them, otherwise we know how to pray too. Whats happening? What is this? Did I get old? Muhittin… Hello, We have to meet. Bro, we grow old, are you aware? We’re on the brink of the grave now! I say we should start to pray daily, what do you think? You’re right. You didn’t pray till this time and now you wanna start to pray? Are you trying to trick Allah? Allah is never gonna forgive you! Also you’re not going to live much. Evaluate your last days and have fun! Besides, your heart is clean man. Bro, we’re old already. Also, are we gonna trick Allah by starting to pray after all? Let us have fun till the end of our life. Like you say, our heart is clean. Lets go. “Bro lets start to pray..” Bahattin I feel dizzy! Me too! Dotard, get out of my way. Pass! Shoot! Goal! I WON! No, you lose! My salah’s… Bahattin, wake up man! Today, with excuses like “I pray Fridays anyway.” “Working is an ibadah too.” “I’ll start when I get old.” the devil is trying to trick us, and unfortunately, he succeeds. My soul! Do not say, “The times have changed, this age is different, Everyone is fallen into this world. Everyone is drunk with the struggle for livelihood.” Because, death does not change. Separation is nottransformed into permanence and does not become different. Man’s impotence and poverty do not change, they increase. Man’s journey is not cut, it becomes faster. Also, do not say, “I am like everyone else.” Because for everyone acompanies you … … only as far as the grave, … … and the consolation of being together with everyone else in disaster… … has no meaning… … beyond the grave. Cenab-ı Allah gave us 24 hours, and he wants 1 hour back from us. And we should not see 1 hour too much for our Creator and our eternal life. Think my brother, … … while all this creatures are doing their worship to Allah, … … their service for you, … … and their mission they have to do … … without missing, … … what are you trying to say to Allah … … by not praying, think about it. Every bee you ate their honey, … … every cow you drunk their milk, … … every chicken that you ate their eggs, … … every plant and animal, at service for you, … … are going to be seek for their rights for every single salah … you didn’t have done. “Our Lord! While we accomplish our duties you gave us whithout missing, … … this human which is your servant, … … didn’t done his duty!” they’ll say. You are the most excelent by your abilities in creatures in comparison with animals. You know, you’re not created just for this World! Now, stand up! Listen to your Rabb’s order! The devil tricked you enough for all these years! Don’t see 1 hour pray per day too much to your God who loves you more than yourself. Before the death wakes you up, … … wake up! And do what you have to do! Because the death, … … doesn’t dies. The grave door … … doesn’t get closed. And don’t forget my brother; There is an eterity, … don’t let the World life fool you. “But those who hold fast to the Book and establish prayer – indeed, … We will not allow to be lost the reward of them.”